Sunday, December 22, 2013

Just before Winter cold will break my dreams...

This December weather is quite mild and we have experienced just a couple of days with -1°C during the night.

View of one "Australian" border with new plants (Spring 2013)

This Spring I transformed a corner of an Australian border. I lost two years ago some Banksia and other Australian species, so I had space to fill with new species. Between new Banksia I planted a small Anigozanthus hybrid. I was not performing a special display until september. It than started to grow and bloom like no other that I ever cultivated.  For sure it will die with our winter temperatures, but let's see and at the moment I have this nice display for Christmas time!

Banksia canei fruit. 

My "old" Banksia canei dies least summer aged 16. I'm not quite sure that this is a normal age to die for a Banksia, but our climate conditions hare fare not so similar with Australian weather... I hope that some of the seed will be viable and germinate next spring.

Sterile seeds from Mutisia subulata
Some Mutisia, and I'm now in South America, are performing quite well in my garden, still as is known for these species most of the seed are sterile. Propagation is successfull using cuttings.

Clematis balearica from Mallorca

Last November I visited Mallorca for a couple of days. Mallorca is more interesting to visit in early winter and spring than in summer (the number of tourists is also significant reduced!). One of the species blooming in winter is Clematis balearica. Miles of walls are nicely covered by this climber. In my garden it climb on a  pomegranate.  If you visit Mallora do not miss the Botanical garden of Soller, an hotspot!! (

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